Monday, May 9, 2022

Geek Street Journal will be on Blogger starting on June 2022

 Hey guys, I'm sorry for not posting anything on WordPress lately for the past couple of days. However, I would like to say that I had really enjoyed doing this blog even for a short while, but quite honestly when it comes to money that's also an issue. I don't have an alternative to where to get the money from but basically, I have to try for just completely anything that could be used as an alternative. Plus being busy with school work not to mention what's going on at Full Sail has really taken a lot out of you. 

But fear not, I will come around, it's just that I haven't covered any related stories that have to do with geek culture. And apparently, the culture wars in comic books, graphic novels, anime and manga, and anything else related to geek culture are becoming plainly ridiculous and you don't see anything good coming up on youtube anymore especially when it comes to reactionary videos from YouTubers in the geek culture scene who are now attacking Hollywood for no good reason rather than accusing anyone who's considered an SJW, and what people nowadays are considered "grifters"

The witch-hunt of what they considered in the media as wokeness and SJW is really turned people off at an instant and it takes away what considered normal or acceptable. But instead replaced with a big lie of divisive counterpoint arguments for clout, fame, and notoriety.

Anywho, whether it's okay to continue to write articles on WordPress, under the same domain, or write articles on Blogger until I fix the situation on WordPress. Whatever the outcome it'll be I hope I can try to surpass this without any errors that would get in my way. Although it will take some time to create articles and cover some stories I've missed out on, it would be worth it.

In case you have some stories you really want me to cover please leave a comment down below and it would be much apppreciated.

Geek Street OUT!


Geek Street Journal will be on Blogger starting on June 2022

 Hey guys, I'm sorry for not posting anything on WordPress lately for the past couple of days. However, I would like to say that I had r...

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