Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Sorry about the absence

 I was at a shopping plaza with my aunt yesterday. But I promise you all I'll submit some articles tomorrow and the following days, even if they are a day old.

Friday, August 13, 2021

This week's recap from Geek Street Journal

So far there had been some visitors coming into the blog lately, however, I'm not completely out of the woods yet. I mean it really takes time to build up an audience. But so far at least a few people are coming in.

Unfortunately, I have to inform you that due to the amount of posting, and scheduling posts, the geek street journal will be posting blog comics for next week on Friday, August 20th. Along with posting reviews and recommendations as a result next week. I'm going to be starting on the 30th, But I'll still keep you completely posted.

Anywho here's this week's recap,

There's a tropical storm/hurricane that's coming up tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll have power in my home and possibly made it up alive.

Okay, that all the time I have, geek street blog OUT!

Friday, August 6, 2021

Digimon is under attack by Right-Wing Propagandist YouTubers and Right-Wing Blogs

Image Source: CBR

There will be an article about this next week on Monday, once it's posted. But once again Digimon our childhood anime we grew up is once again is attacked again by right-wing YouTubers by spouting their politics with lies and fake news. And it's just disgusting.

I don't want to go out on a limb here, but it's so disgusting for people, especially from the right would this kind of behavior. However, a huge majority of anime fans aren't from the far-right and we all remember that 2016 was a not-so-good year because of the American election that was unprecedented. But still, the way right-wing media weaponized anime with sites like Bounding into comic, PJ Media (another right-wing site), and other YouTubers from the right like, Geeks and Gamers, YellowFlash2, ThatUmbrellaGuy, The Quartering, and Vara Dark from Titan Enterprise along with countless others on YouTube continue to dominate the talking points of geek culture based on a political narrative and would continue to do so for not understanding the repercussions that come with this kind of slander and misinformation that violates the code of ethics on standard journalism.

Anywho, as for Digimon, this story feels like needs to be told as once again YouTubers from the hard-right continue to mislead their viewers by putting their politics into an Anime that has nothing to do with political correctness or cancel culture. 

Anywho, there will be a full article about this on Geek Street Journal starting next week on Monday.

Geek Street Blog, OUT!

Thursday, August 5, 2021

What was the latest highlights this week on Geek Street Journal?

Despite the fact, it was a bit of a rough start this week, but I've managed to publish at least 3 articles from the blog. And to tell you the truth, it wasn't that easy. But sometimes YouTube can be sometimes confusing when it comes to talking about random topics. However, it doesn't mean I didn't scale off from the important stuff on what's been going on this week. 

Anywho, here on what's happening this week from Geek Street Journal in case you guys missed it!

Okay I hope that's enough for you. I better get going, I got some stuff to work on. So I don't want to keep you all hanging.

Geek Street Girl OUT!


 Hello eveyone!

This is the first start of Geek Street Journal now for blogger, so basically you'll be looking into more content that has do with well...everything in geek culture. There's no time when will this will continue on blogger, but hopefully it would be worth something and I mean worth something. Although this blog is mostly about geek culture this would be sort of personal journal of Geek culture, Quite literally.

So I'll be down with that.


Geek Street Journal will be on Blogger starting on June 2022

 Hey guys, I'm sorry for not posting anything on WordPress lately for the past couple of days. However, I would like to say that I had r...

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